
Thumbnail of the map 'wall-'

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Author lsudny
Tags action author:lsudny rated
Created 2011-05-22
Last Modified 2012-11-29
by 5 people.
Map Data


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Szamár Madár' Thumbnail of the map 'Ion Desolation' Thumbnail of the map 'preludium to life' Thumbnail of the map 'ontario' Thumbnail of the map 'somewhen' Thumbnail of the map '/results truncated/'
Szamár Madár Ion Desolation preludium to life ontario somewhen /results truncated/


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Then a collab is in order my friend...if you're game...

Whoups. Wrong map.

first try agd.
Demo Data

thanks guys.

i don't really like this map either, i'm really out of ideas lately. kinda taking a break from mapping. thanks anyways.

Difficult to AGD. 3.5^

Difficult to AGD. 3.5^



I would like to collab, you can start!
I reckon you know rockets don't work well / overcomplicate gameplay in such small rooms and wanted the player to lure the rocket out of the enclosed space to get to the switch. Nevertheless I didn't like it. On the other hand the floorguard concept in here was used very well, I don't see that often.

Fun, hard exit switch...