
Thumbnail of the map 'nDustrialize'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Gioum
Tags author:gioum complete mappack ndustrialize unrated
Created 2011-05-07
Last Modified 2011-05-07
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description The mappack is complete! What I tough of doing is submitting them all under the tag ndustrialize. so if you decide to play it here, just search ndustrialize and you will eventually see them all!
I hope you will enjoy the mappack as much as I did making it, every tile is full of love, death, and pollution. I hope to read your response soon!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'BULLETPROOF!!!' Thumbnail of the map 'Ndustrializer' Thumbnail of the map 'Nuclear Highway' Thumbnail of the map 'Commander Video' Thumbnail of the map 'MEAT DIFFERENT' Thumbnail of the map 'Antropolis'
BULLETPROOF!!! Ndustrializer Nuclear Highway Commander Video MEAT DIFFERENT Antropolis


Pages: (0)

Thanks Meta

Best tip I ever received about mappacks, it's the only one tho. Forever Alone.

oh forget it

Just copy and paste the link.


That was supposed to be clickable... Forgot that NUMA doesn't automatically do that...



When all of the maps in this pack have been submitted, go to http:\\\userlevels?q=ndustrialize+author:gioum&count=100 * for a ready-to-go format suitable for your userlevels!

*If needed, change the 100 to a number more suitable)


It's okay.
So I guess I can simply post them here? okay

I like that font.

And yeah, I know it's not new.