Interpretive Dance

Thumbnail of the map 'Interpretive Dance'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Tommy_Wiseau
Tags author:tommy_wiseau featured mapdraft mapdraft4 playable rated
Created 2011-05-04
Last Modified 2011-05-14
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description Mapdraft entry. Another round of hilariously bad packs...

Celebrity Assassination
If you do not have a Custom Title on NUMA, use 10 tiles of your choice.
If you do not have any Featured Maps on NUMA, use 20 tiles of your choice.
If you are not a Reviewer on NUMA, use 5 'One' Tiles, 3 'Five' and 8 'E' Tiles.
If you are not a Moderator on NUMA, use 15 'One' Tiles.
If you are not an Administrator on NUMA, use 1 'Five' Tile.

Heart of Glass by Blondie
35 one-ways
15 gold

Waverider by toasters
3 '8' Tiles
3 '4' Tiles
1 Seeker Drone

Plaster Casts of Everything by gloomp
Replace all your tiles with bounceblocks. Yes, all of them.

(That's 68 bounceblocks, mind you.)

This map was featured on 2011-06-29

Interpretive Dance is about as creative and conceptual as a mapdraft map gets. It has the sort of theme you would set out to deliberately make in Ned, not stumble upon by accident because of a shitty competition rule.

Playing this is a shock; you either expect it to be overpowering or whatever the opposite of that is. Underpowering. But TW finds a happy medium in that little box maze. Cool stuff. — flagmyidol

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Tiny Village' Thumbnail of the map 'Hell-th Plan' Thumbnail of the map 'E1L3: New-Age Ice Storm' Thumbnail of the map 'E1L4: Edges of Emotion' Thumbnail of the map 'I'm Sadistic!' Thumbnail of the map 'E2L0: I Got the News'
Tiny Village Hell-th Plan E1L3: New-Age Ice Storm E1L4: Edges of Emotion I'm Sadistic! E2L0: I Got the News


Pages: (0)


first try AGD
Demo Data


i think flag was implying that you're very opinionated and your opinion is the only one that matters ;)
you do spout nonsense.

And I agree with you pony. Nails on heads.

Interesting. 3.5

Woo SR

Demo Data

i like it

I was going to play this yesterday pre feature but decided against it, thanks flag.

Oh, atob. I think they invented the IMO for you.

this is what i dont like about mapdraft features. people say well its good or ok but not great/not feature-worthy, which is inevitably answered back by but its great for the packs he got. the whole thing just puts a limit on how good maps can be. imo, the fact that a map is a mapdraft map should never be in the mix of reasons why a map should be featured, and should never be used as an excuse as to why the featured map is flawed. however i do realize its up to the reviewer to dedide if something is feature-worthy or not, it just annoys me a bit.

Yeh, except

IMO the entire thing isn't very good and the drone thing is what tops it.

I agree that the single huge flaw is that the drone can be freed easily. There was absolutely nothing he could do about that.

Clumsy demo

Awkward map, imo. You can take the drone out of the game too easily, and stumbling about the cube didn't feel fun to me.
Demo Data

Hey hey hey flag

Thanks for the feature :D

i remember this :)

First Try AGD

This is really good considering the packs you got, especially plaster casts of everything XD Nice work and congrats on the feature!
Demo Data


Demo Data

hey hey hey


Demo Data


is brilliant.

It is really challenging to get an AGD, but I love the concept, once again is a new twist to the use of oneways/bounces and I with these packs, I had thought something completely different and probably already known.
only saying to you. BRAVO!
koipen look this!!!
always makes for the most hilarious maps :D
It was a good use of your packs. 4