*starts map* *finishes map* "fuck this is awful" *submit*

Thumbnail of the map '*starts map* *finishes map* "fuck this is awful" *submit*'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Tags author:avatar_fanatic rated twc6
Created 2011-01-16
Last Modified 2011-01-16
by 13 people.
Map Data


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Where's the Track? 12' Thumbnail of the map 'Where's the Track? 12 (Redone)' Thumbnail of the map 'in such a conformist world...' Thumbnail of the map 'AA/vkIAb' Thumbnail of the map 'The next town over' Thumbnail of the map 'Death Does Account for you.'
Where's the Track? 12 Where's the Track? 12 (Redone) in such a conformist world... AA/vkIAb The next town over Death Does Account for you.


Pages: (0)



You've still 2 days for make a map for TWC7. Please make one, you can be in the top 3 and win an nice signature!

Round 6 results and Round 7 rules [] are finally posted. Sorry for the delay and please take part at the last TWC round ;)

*Opens NReality*
*Looks for the worst map on NUMA*
*Plays it*
*Screams, "THIS IS AWFUL!*
*Reads comments and decides not miss the train*
*Rates it five because I would break my record on not giving anyone a zero*

Just kidding, I love this map. The gameplay especially! 5/5 and faved!


read my comment []

Uhh i hate getting the trigger :/

Lol indeed



*clicks on map with awesome title*
*sees that other people have already jumped on this bandwagon*
*plays fairly crappy map*
*rates a 5 anyway because of the awesomeness it has spawned*

*Clicks on map out of dumb curiousity*
*Reads only comment with words*
*Laughs hysterically*
*Rates a five*


*Opens N*
*Plays map*
"Fuck this is awful"
*Rates a five*