Unstable Chimney

Thumbnail of the map 'Unstable Chimney'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author jasdanu
Tags author:jasdanu chimney unrated
Created 2010-12-25
Last Modified 2010-12-25
Map Data

Description o.O

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Ehh' Thumbnail of the map 'Altered Jumps' Thumbnail of the map 'Devoured Mitten' Thumbnail of the map 'Blurvy' Thumbnail of the map 'Dangling MineBall' Thumbnail of the map 'Guardian'
Ehh Altered Jumps Devoured Mitten Blurvy Dangling MineBall Guardian


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Stitched a 34 frame run together based off of my 46.
Demo Data

Fastest Run Posted

This is the fastest run I actually have a demo for. I got 45 frames once when I managed to chimney past the door and through the outer wall, but the post-demo showed me just completing rather than dying. 'Cause that's the way the game works.

Demo Data


Demo Data
Demo Data

Awesome map, man

Demo Data


Speedrun :)
Demo Data


Demo Data


Demo Data

hey man!

we should do a collab