Joulu kaislikossa

Thumbnail of the map 'Joulu kaislikossa'

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Author koipen
Tags action author:koipen joulu merrychristmas minejumper puzzle rated
Created 2010-12-09
Last Modified 2010-12-09
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description A new minejumper by me! Contains some very annoying lasers. Completion without using any trapdoors is a bonus. AGD is very hard too!

What do you think about the lasers? should they go away?

So rate and comment!

Other maps by this author

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5 Twisted daggers in imagination Kumkvatt opening Pt1 Pt2 Glass of buttercups with snow


Pages: (0)

The gameplay was a minus, felt more like koipen wanted to just make the pattern rather than the actually mine jumper.

Not my sort of map, but the structure is amazing.

Death demo.

With some of the craziest laser fires ever.
Demo Data

This is actually a great map. 4.5^/5