Trial & Geej

Thumbnail of the map 'Trial & Geej'

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Author Gioum
Tags ackbar author:gioum frustrater traps twumph unrated
Created 2010-12-09
Last Modified 2011-03-07
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I dunno, but we had a small argue on a map long time ago because he lacked reading the title... So I dunno, just in case someone comes here and say "wtf kid" read this. Now sit down. Apologize. and rage no more <3

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'First Blood' Thumbnail of the map 'Difficulty Rocket' Thumbnail of the map 'Improvise' Thumbnail of the map 'Trapbox' Thumbnail of the map 'Symmetry' Thumbnail of the map 'Chicken Pox'
First Blood Difficulty Rocket Improvise Trapbox Symmetry Chicken Pox


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I doubt you could get a license to drive, if you can't even read STOP what will you do? OBVIOUSLY YOU OGT TO STOP. I wrote in the description long time ago that it had traps and they're noobish levels. those are the times where you place your keyboard on the ground, turn off the computer, shut off the monitor, make a 180 degree spin, and walk away.

your arguments have been proved invalid.


but why no one reads it's a trap, that's what annoys me.


I was also pissed off when i died on that stupid trap :S

decent map

a lot of response.

Calm down, ChrisE.

I agree with geej.

Traps suck.

Don't you be all "oh you calm down I wrote trap in like 2000 places."

I could make a map that would trap your mother in a 5th dimension. Bitch.


If i'd hide a '50 cent' mp3 in your Winamp that's replete by 'Metallica' songs, how would you feel?

Anyways, i liked this map except the ungettable gold. AGD - 1 :
Demo Data

Geej = cool

Geej isn't the only one. Playing this map is like playing minesweeper without the little numbers. Trial and error, trial and error, trial and error. It gets old really fast.


How is that possible?

And here's

A quicker run, also only leaving one gold.
Demo Data


Demo Data

Au contraire RD

Yours wasn't apgd. Here's a completion proving it. :)
Demo Data


This is pretty cool. Part of me wishes the thwumps were placed in a more consistent way, say, always on the row that is either above or below the gold, but on the other hand, this makes for more varied gameplay.
Demo Data

Don't fuck with Geej.

now see?

this was actually really cool. the traps themselves were avoidable when you set them off. They were the theme of the map, not just randomly thrown inn there to fuck with you and make it that much mroe difficult. I actually really enjoyed this map.

also try not complaining that someone is over-reacting to something on the internet when you go out of your way to make a huge deal out of constructive criticism..... trying to make me look like the bad guy for giving coinstructive criticism... makes no sense. just fyi

slow demo
Demo Data


first off.... i was totally civil and there is no need for me to calm down...

Secondly i was really just trying to give some helpful mapping advice. I kid you not, people do not like hidden thwumps and shit.