Moon Bar

Thumbnail of the map 'Moon Bar'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Sunset
Tags action author:sunset bar moon rated
Created 2010-11-10
Last Modified 2010-11-10
by 53 people.
Map Data

Description Order me some moon whiskey, bitch.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Droughty Drumble' Thumbnail of the map 'Fever Fiasco' Thumbnail of the map 'Syntax' Thumbnail of the map 'Tyzz xedd' Thumbnail of the map 'Spirit Tree' Thumbnail of the map 'Space Tractor Beam'
Droughty Drumble Fever Fiasco Syntax Tyzz xedd Spirit Tree Space Tractor Beam


weren't justified.


sub-450 maybe possible
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Demo Data

1st try AGD
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Has potential

didn't realise it.
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That's marvelous.


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you guys are dicks. why would you 0 a map unless you truly hated it...

anyways, cool name, it really stood out to me somehow. I guess it just went really well with the map.

looks like a frog

And i still stand by that. I regard you highly sunset, don't you worry about that.
look at his other accounts, such as seventh_spirit, etc. He was always open about being sunset on those, so there's no reason to assume he was secretive about it elsewhere. Even in the off chance that he does have some accounts without disabled ratings lying around, do you really think that number is upwards of 20? The way I see it, there are 4 possibilities for the person responsible:

1) Someone who idolizes sunset and wants people to play his maps.
2) Someone who hates sunset and wants to frame him for multiaccounting to get him banned.
3) Someone who is trying to exploit one of numa's functionality flaws.
4) A troll.

My money's on #4.
That's suspicious. And I didn't rate it down because i wanted to lower the average of the map, which it did, and i apologize for, but frankly i think it's unfair for the other maps on the page, so i'm trying to lower it's time as number one on the hot maps page. Nothing to do with you.


why the somany rates?? :)
Demo Data
Sunset, i don't think you're the one doing it, but it's looking suspicious now.

for I the 38th, right?
what do you think?


Way to poach other peoples styles, Sunset.
I think people can stop 0'ing now

I remeber Bumajan(i).

35 rates

what the confuzzled lion
i want one

Quit ranting people

you're just boosting the map's publicity lmfao :P


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on earth

("really?" re: political correctness/offensiveness)


I've heard that saying since I was 10 years old, dude :/

-_- is this now a 2nd try agd? (*ba-boom-chi*)
Demo Data

1st try agd

"Blame the arrow, not the Indian." Haha, that is soooo not PC and seems kinda offensive. Also, I would always blame the person who tries to shoot something at me rather than the thing that hits me seeing as the object has no choice in the matter, so I don't even see how that makes sense :P (ignoring the context, though I don't think it makes any difference).
numa itself is bad at this stuff. The system it runs on is so horrible that there is no such thing as an IP check. They can't even see who's rating these maps.

Blame the arrow, not the Indian.


Whoops :p
Demo Data


100.575. Incredible map dude. 5aved fo sho.
Maybe the admins are just bad at this stuff.

Great map!

nice simplicity. 4.


just woah.