Eagle Tower

Thumbnail of the map 'Eagle Tower'

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Author ChrisE
Tags author:chrise featured rated
Created 2010-10-15
Last Modified 2010-10-15
by 18 people.
Map Data

Description Doesn't look like a tower, or contain an eagle, but does have an eagle-eyed laser.

This map was featured on 2010-11-11

For as long as any ninja can remember, lasers and seeker drones have never got along. They fight, they bicker, they squabble, and always leave the toilet seat up. Until now.

Riding gallantly atop his majestic horse drone, ChrisE has emerged from the sunset. He has re-entered his fortress after long years of travel and realised things aren't quite right. Seekers and lasers were never meant to bicker. No indeed - they were meant to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with their eye held high. They were meant to show the world just what it meant, to be the defenders of Eagle Tower. — _destiny^-

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Tail Cave' Thumbnail of the map 'Bottle Grotto' Thumbnail of the map 'Key Cavern' Thumbnail of the map 'Angler's Tunnel' Thumbnail of the map 'Catfish's Maw' Thumbnail of the map 'Face Shrine'
Tail Cave Bottle Grotto Key Cavern Angler's Tunnel Catfish's Maw Face Shrine



Still intriguing. Well-planned enemies.
Demo Data


Larger and more linear than it looks. Very zelda-esque, which from the name is probably intentional.
Demo Data

One of your best

Auld school.


I am disappoint.



I know it wasn't funny. I was being sarcastic :p

XD Maxon..

That wasn't even funny. But you are. <3


mintnut thankyou.
Not that he's actually at university. Maybe he's a genius child.

yeah genius

Amazing map, wish I knew about it earlier. 5/5


Well-crafted map.
Demo Data

I have a feeling

Ferox is a liar.

It was claimed he was 12 when his "mother" emailed us about certain account issues.

Something about that cat never meowed quite right.

(In my defense, it's football season. Get it? Defense? Football? I crack myself up.)

Maybe he is 13 and just does university work for the hell of it...

me too!

how did this happen?


I thought Ferox was 13 years old o_O


I love this map
and the review
He knows what he's talking about.


Demo Data

I remember this. 4aved

@Furry. I do university work too and am still active.

lol maxson!
I now conclude that sunset is in fact ChrisE's mother.
nice review and nice map bromans

Hey Chris

How's things?
and that I'm actually that serious. And excited.

...yeah. :/
and I know that it's totally different...but I'm totally counting that as a name drop.

and I know that it's totally different...but I'm totally counting that as a name drop.

and I know that it's totally different...but I'm totally counting that as a name drop.

and I know that it's totally different...but I'm totally counting that as a name drop.

and I know that it's totally different...but I'm totally counting that as a name drop.

college is a ridiculous name for university. you americans make me sick.

Up the blighty!

Back to my 'varsity work.

love the review

the map is a bit hard for me but yeah.. neat!

This is like,

every single miststalker map made.

Fast AGD

quite proud of this demo.

Amazing map, everything just fits together seamlessly, and the laser is just perfect.
Demo Data


Demo Data

badly messed up the second half of the demo.
as well as enemies are placed, that laser was just not fun for me :(
Demo Data