Angry Again

Thumbnail of the map 'Angry Again'

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Author GRN
Tags action author:grn chaingun grn laser mines unrated
Created 2010-06-26
Last Modified 2010-06-26
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Well, my level are easy because I'm bad at n (isn't that ironic) so this time I tried making the level a lot harder than what It'd usually be...

But hey, whats more fun than being shot at by chainguns and laser drones?

Completion = Easy
AGD = Not so much

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Art of Squares' Thumbnail of the map 'Geo Fuzz' Thumbnail of the map 'Geo Fusion' Thumbnail of the map 'Patience' Thumbnail of the map 'Skin O' My Teeth' Thumbnail of the map 'Breakpoint'
The Art of Squares Geo Fuzz Geo Fusion Patience Skin O' My Teeth Breakpoint


Pages: (0)


takes quite some effort to do that
Speedrun for now.
Demo Data

Retiling is

when you take someone else's map and then just change the tiles. Not the objects. :)
I'd remove either chainguns /or/ lasers. Otherwise, a cool map, providing some kind of fun; and that fun is too intense. :/