Houses of the Holy

Thumbnail of the map 'Houses of the Holy'

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Author heatwave21
Tags author:heatwave21 drones experimental featured playable race rated rockets
Created 2010-06-04
Last Modified 2010-06-04
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Experimental Race. Destiny playtested.
Heads up: The ending is pretty strict.

This map was featured on 2015-01-22

Heatwave21 was one of my biggest race map inspirations when I was new here. His race maps were few and far between, but always had a distinctive flair and originality.

Houses of the Holy is actually a slight step away from his usual flow-perfect style, and ventures into the realm of the abstract. With some impressive seeker drone pathing and some of the most innovative race mechanics I've ever seen, this map is certain to keep you going. — _destiny^-

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Schematic' Thumbnail of the map 'Architecture' Thumbnail of the map 'One Inch Away' Thumbnail of the map 'Metro' Thumbnail of the map '(Millions of) Individual Factories' Thumbnail of the map 'Fifth Sun'
Schematic Architecture One Inch Away Metro (Millions of) Individual Factories Fifth Sun


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But it's pretty technical and finicky to pull off.
best feature so far this year
The very beginning and the very end were my favourite parts. The rockets and drones are placed perfectly. 5/5

Oh and awesome title
This is an interesting, unique race.
Every single thing is perfect, but I especially like the drones.
I've always loved when people make experimental races :)


oh snap thats cool

love the ending


liking it :)


Demo Data