Knocking on Satan's Door

Thumbnail of the map 'Knocking on Satan's Door'

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Author Ingberlach
Tags action agd author:ingberlach rated
Created 2010-05-29
Last Modified 2010-05-29
by 32 people.
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Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Distinct Smell of Urine' Thumbnail of the map 'Omnipotence' Thumbnail of the map 'Surreal Architecture' Thumbnail of the map 'Wandering Purposefully' Thumbnail of the map 'The Newborn Junebug' Thumbnail of the map 'The Rooster That Lost It's Way'
The Distinct Smell of Urine Omnipotence Surreal Architecture Wandering Purposefully The Newborn Junebug The Rooster That Lost It's Way


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awesome map, love the tiles
you get a 5 from me
Demo Data
Also, FYI, I'm not even 13 yet.

Fun thing

Nice tiles, too.
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Good on ya

for delisting. Hopefully that was for the community; if so, thankyou. I hope you enjoy your stay, there arent many generous people like you anymore. So many have left....

i'm suspecting some multi-accounting.

anyone else getting these cosmic signals?


the tiles are nice, but thats about it. Spammed rockets are probably the most least-effective enemy that could have been used here.

Okay then.

Mass antisniping again. But for what? lol

I even got the CJ.

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What the hell

This is not even worth a two. 1.5 down.

Something is not right here.
but I love this death
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Not to be accusative or anything like that, it's just that this happened to one of his maps, and recently he got a little angry at me and clicked "report abuse" on all my comments, so that may be why he sniped me and anti-sniped others.



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first try AGD

was suprised by the rocketS xD
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some shit's up.

some shit is /really/ up.

Not bad.

I don't really like this. Even if it looks good, it doesn't play well IMO. There's potential for flow, but you ruin it just as you start. 3/5


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and those tiles are beastly a solid 3/5
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