Crazy Generator

Thumbnail of the map 'Crazy Generator'

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Author AKALucifer
Tags author:akalucifer test unrated
Created 2005-11-27
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description If you like it you like it I suppose. I have no doubt it's been done before but I'm proud of it because It's designed so that you can't cheat without using millions of mines up the sides of the walls.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Cascade' Thumbnail of the map 'Honey Trap' Thumbnail of the map 'Left Eye Loops' Thumbnail of the map 'Study One: Timing' Thumbnail of the map 'Study Two: Jumping' Thumbnail of the map 'Study Three: Evasion'
Cascade Honey Trap Left Eye Loops Study One: Timing Study Two: Jumping Study Three: Evasion


Pages: (0)

Wee-hee.... *bam!*

I actually enjoyed doing this and watching the demo over and over again... Mwhahahah...
Demo Data

It Is Possible

And here's the demo, I didn't even use frame by frame.
Demo Data