Study One: Timing

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Author AKALucifer
Tags author:akalucifer rated test
Created 2005-11-19
Last Modified 2005-11-19
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description At the moment my sister is doing her grades on the piano (basically tests on musical instruments) and part of the exam is you have to do a study, which is a musical peice designed to teach you about one technique. (Like playing very fast or going from low to high notes in a short space of time)

So I thought we should have some studys for N. These will not be simple challenges like the ones pioneered by Tktktk, these will be actual levels designed to perfect your performance in one area of N gameplay. If none of this has made sense to you just play the map it\'ll all be clear then. Demos, comments and votes always appreciated

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Reach For The Stars Welcome to my world Show Off Cascade Honey Trap Left Eye Loops


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The Switches

They're under the laser drone you have to have precision timing to get there there then jump out before you get zapped.

Watch the Demo
Demo Data

very good!


by the way
where are the keyes that open the doors around the door?

good idea

ya 4.5/5