Prisnors Sadtense

Thumbnail of the map 'Prisnors Sadtense'

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Author Slick265
Tags author:slick265 conceptcon prisoners unrated
Created 2010-04-11
Last Modified 2010-04-11
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description i did a prisoner for the contest.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '00-3 Stuck in the Woods' Thumbnail of the map '00-4 No Where But Upward' Thumbnail of the map '01-0 Timing Towers' Thumbnail of the map 'Trickle Down My Throat' Thumbnail of the map '01-1 Depths Of The Ocean' Thumbnail of the map '01-2 Glory'
00-3 Stuck in the Woods 00-4 No Where But Upward 01-0 Timing Towers Trickle Down My Throat 01-1 Depths Of The Ocean 01-2 Glory


Pages: (0)

faster :] nice map
Demo Data

Better cheat,

actually an agd - 4
Demo Data

agd - 1

Well I broke out of prison in this demo . . .
Demo Data
but i give up on trying to cheat on your map >.>