
Thumbnail of the map 'Symphony'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Sunset
Tags author:sunset collections rated
Created 2010-02-16
Last Modified 2010-02-16
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description an open map

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Steve walks warily down the street' Thumbnail of the map 'CoFw/R&R' Thumbnail of the map 'Cult Classic' Thumbnail of the map 'Elitist Repeatist' Thumbnail of the map 'Pretentious Pearls' Thumbnail of the map 'Rude Mood'
Steve walks warily down the street CoFw/R&R Cult Classic Elitist Repeatist Pretentious Pearls Rude Mood


Pages: (0)


I guess 5 men suffice to test one single pack :/


how many level are there gonna be in 'collections'?
Demo Data
no doubt that this type of drone mechanic is common; but I like what you did with the trap doors, and the precint mine placement and optimum gold distribution give this map fresh appeal. 3.5/5


You forgot the "open"

I like the drones.

Try my new level! :D