4-2 Drone Bank

Thumbnail of the map '4-2 Drone Bank'

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Author redhotbananapeppers
Tags author:redhotbananapeppers drones map-pack unrated
Created 2010-02-09
Last Modified 2010-02-09
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description like the last one, pretty fun. if you can jump through the middle before getting the trapdoors, i will definetly give you a DED. have fun!

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FUnkay Mushu Palace Dangerous Launchpads Simple map 1 3-4 Romance Explosion 4-1 Stalkers


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It doesn't really matter to me if you make me a ded, so I'll let you decide.

Here's an AGD. I'll try and see if it's possible to get through the center without going back, but I'm not sure since the drones go down on the left instead of up.
Demo Data


i didnt expect anyone to do that... wow i feel pretty dumb now. ill give you a ded if you want one

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