
Thumbnail of the map 'Lines'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author HisTime
Tags action author:histime fun lines rated tags trapdoor
Created 2010-01-24
Last Modified 2010-01-24
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description This map is about... Lines

There are trap doors...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Simple challence 5' Thumbnail of the map 'The lab of Fantasy' Thumbnail of the map 'What the hell is that?' Thumbnail of the map 'Deep Red Sky?' Thumbnail of the map 'HardCore Gauss!' Thumbnail of the map 'How long can you survive this madness?'
Simple challence 5 The lab of Fantasy What the hell is that? Deep Red Sky? HardCore Gauss! How long can you survive this madness?


Pages: (0)

Sub 600 Speedrun

You have to watch this demo, i run insane ^^
Demo Data

sub 2k AGD

good map good idea but i would of liked to see it be more of a puzzle not just getting trapped out if you got all doors. 3/5
Demo Data
this map would be awesome with a foreground an background Nreality image

I don't

I luv when you go mad


i hate it when trapdoors are used as traps. 2.5down