Thumbnail of the map 'GET JUICED'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author sidke
Tags author:sidke get-juiced juice-machine unrated zomgz-norockets
Created 2010-01-03
Last Modified 2010-01-03
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description by the juice machine [] was on the mod-queue, and it made me laugh. This map was from 2006... and someone reported a comment... from... 2006... it just makes no sense. And that's why I made a map inspired by the Juice Machine.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'for you, Lain' Thumbnail of the map 'Sunken Wonder' Thumbnail of the map 'VIEW' Thumbnail of the map 'Chillax' Thumbnail of the map '退屈していた' Thumbnail of the map 'sidke'
for you, Lain Sunken Wonder VIEW Chillax 退屈していた sidke


Pages: (0)


and reply on one of my maps in the comment section...


do u have msn ?

/viciously attacks with a random ded [].

I do that quite often. Usually to point out good maps to you staffmembers. It's my way of communicating. Someday, a map that had a comment I reported for abuse will get featured by one of you, and I will be triumphant.


Hey man...

I am in the process of making my first real N-Art, a manga series character, but apparently my computer won't allow me to see the thumbnail of it without actually submitting it, which isn't really my plan until it's done. I'll send the pastebin link of the map thus far to you on MSN so you can take a look and provide some sort of feedback, okay?

If you need a picture of the character it depicts, I linked the one I am using on my latest map - you can drop a comment with feedback on that one once you have the time.

Thanks a bunch!

Demo Data