Show Off

Thumbnail of the map 'Show Off'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author AKALucifer
Tags author:akalucifer rated test
Created 2005-10-25
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Go on do whatever you want

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Four Guardians' Thumbnail of the map 'Getin' High' Thumbnail of the map 'Tomi X' Thumbnail of the map 'Needle And Thread' Thumbnail of the map 'Reach For The Stars' Thumbnail of the map 'Welcome to my world'
The Four Guardians Getin' High Tomi X Needle And Thread Reach For The Stars Welcome to my world


Pages: (0)

oh... 2005

Sorry bout that >_>


No one has done this before? I'm so surprised. I've made a couple maps like this on N+ (PSP/360 but not DS)


also, cool idea 4.5/5

heres my demo

i do one cool trick and then die in the middle... but watch after i die, its sweet
Demo Data

Real Fun

I liked that. Kind of ran out of ideas at the end of the demo though.
Demo Data


They look like an angry swarm of bees!
Demo Data

Leap of no faith

Nice Fan effect
Demo Data

heh heh...

made the rocket launcher commit suicide...
Demo Data

Post your demos

Here's one of mine.
Demo Data