Gaslights; floating on a Scarlet lake.

Thumbnail of the map 'Gaslights; floating on a Scarlet lake.'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author furry_ant
Tags action author:furry_ant furrytree gaslights moa-reject rated
Created 2009-12-21
Last Modified 2010-01-17
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description <Nexx> Awkward tiles alert! No thank you. Nay'ed.

<3 Nexx.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'They Only Left their Toasting Fork.' Thumbnail of the map 'byōin (病院)' Thumbnail of the map 'Ghooooosts.' Thumbnail of the map '#322' Thumbnail of the map 'Armada.' Thumbnail of the map 'Cowboy Valentine³'
They Only Left their Toasting Fork. byōin (病院) Ghooooosts. #322 Armada. Cowboy Valentine³


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liked this btw


how about u start with a full map. and just carve a route into it rly quick... make it as long as u want though...
then send the data to met at
then start putting some flow... and well c from there :D

Yeah, I understand.

I got a sudden triangular gold urge. :3


Okay so, I shall revise my comment:

The tiles are awkward at first, but as you play more, you find there are things you can do to really cut down the awkwardness, and it becomes smoother and more fun. So at this point, my biggest problem with the map is the length, which is worsened by the huge gold area in the bottom left, which in any case doesn't fit with the rest of the map. But all in all, this map is more "good" than "fair", so here's a 4/5.
Demo Data

could you please collab with me and show me how to do an action map ;_; ?

not awkward at all

the tiles were kinda weird though
Demo Data

wasn't really awkward, only problem with tiles were all the floating 2 tiles, they all got in the way somehow. othert than that, this is fast and fun
Demo Data

I <3 these tiles!