title got killed in homocide

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Author UndeadPie
Tags author:undeadpie transformation unrated
Created 2009-11-30
Last Modified 2010-03-29
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Grammer Nazism plays an important role in this case, the detective silently states to himself

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Darker Castle' Thumbnail of the map 'The Looks' Thumbnail of the map 'Meet A Friend: Cody' Thumbnail of the map 'Hills Of Murray' Thumbnail of the map 'You're Over' Thumbnail of the map 'Submission'
Darker Castle The Looks Meet A Friend: Cody Hills Of Murray You're Over Submission


Pages: (0)

Cool map

It's a puzzley actioney minejumper. The mix works great, IMO.
Demo Data
It IS a bit clumsy so maybe 1½ door would be nice (:
Demo Data


this is a good mine jumper, the only thing that really bothers me is that the gauss gets me nearly every time I get the switch, did you think about some normal doors there?