
Thumbnail of the map 'Wormtunnel'

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Author flashstep121
Tags author:flashstep121 cool hard skill survival unrated
Created 2009-11-24
Last Modified 2009-11-24
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I think its impossible but try it

Other maps by this author

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Voyage to the Moon Locked Door Maze Chinese Temple WallClimbing ThatsWhatIThought Halflife


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Could be a nice

challenging level. I like small levels with nice little challenges. Getting past the drones is interesting, but the thwumps and the impassible mine is bad. Playtest. If you can't pass your own level, never post.
and dont post something you think is impossible unless its a survival please.

yes, I think it is impossible due to the thumps