
Thumbnail of the map 'Overground'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Bl3wolf
Tags action author:bl3wolf medium unrated
Created 2009-11-20
Last Modified 2009-11-20
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Nothing to say :x

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Volcano' Thumbnail of the map 'Windows' Thumbnail of the map 'ForgottenTale' Thumbnail of the map 'VolcanoBase' Thumbnail of the map 'Rise' Thumbnail of the map 'ThinWalls'
Volcano Windows ForgottenTale VolcanoBase Rise ThinWalls


Pages: (0)


That last post was it.

Great job

Demo Data

reminds me on RadiumFalcon's early stuff


mine placement needed some work
Demo Data

ok, cool

It´s not cheatet

The other way is for AGD

I agree with Z

(that rhymed) You are good.
1. Open N
2. Load the map into Ned
3. Copy their demo data from the comment into the second text box (not the level data box)
4. Press 3 (this loads the demo)
5. Press Q (this resets the objects and begins demo playback)
6. Press P to watch the demo

Just so you know the number before the ":" in demos (1989:) is the frame count. The less frames, the faster the demo.
1. Open N
2. Load your map into Ned
3. Press 1 on you keyboard (this tells Ned to start recording a demo)
4. Press P to play the map
5. The demo stops recording when you die or when you complete the map. Press "~" to return to the Ned main screen.
6. The second text box on the right should say demo data. Copy and paste it into the demo data part of a comment and your done
You make such good maps and no one ever showed you how to make a demo? I'll post a tutorial in a sec.
Demo Data


don´t know how to make a demo xD


can you post a demo?
Demo Data