
Thumbnail of the map 'ForgottenTale'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Bl3wolf
Tags author:bl3wolf styles tileset unrated
Created 2009-11-15
Last Modified 2009-11-15
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description A Tileset with ah mesh out of a few map styles from me.
I hope someone make a map with it.
When you make a map credit me with a link.
DED for the person who make a map with it ;)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'MainBase' Thumbnail of the map 'TheyCome' Thumbnail of the map 'Broken' Thumbnail of the map 'RuinedTower' Thumbnail of the map 'Volcano' Thumbnail of the map 'Windows'
MainBase TheyCome Broken RuinedTower Volcano Windows


Pages: (0)

Sub-600 Demo

Nice tiles :D
Demo Data


Cool tiles, reminds me of that upcoming movie Avatar somehow. They aren't really something I would personally use, but I'm interested in what iban can come up with.
Demo Data

Tiles are kind of cool ins some places.
Demo of me screwing around.
Demo Data

i like

these tiles <3

I'll try to make a map someday.. maybe.. after stuff.. =P

faved for later =D