
Thumbnail of the map 'Mjolnir'

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Author Seneschal
Tags author:seneschal crush mjolnir prophet skulls unrated
Created 2009-11-08
Last Modified 2009-11-08
Map Data


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Float' Thumbnail of the map 'Heights' Thumbnail of the map 'The Great Unwashed' Thumbnail of the map 'The Monarch in Freefall' Thumbnail of the map 'In the Kingdom of Sleep and Rust' Thumbnail of the map 'Slice of Life'
Float Heights The Great Unwashed The Monarch in Freefall In the Kingdom of Sleep and Rust Slice of Life


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Slow AGD.

Demo Data

aw cool

<3 the hammer.


sry, just checked my messages :] still, do you have icq/xfire?
you have xfire/icq?

to me it seems

like you have adopted PALEMOON's style, still very interesting, gp very enjoyable
ratings disabled, so I'll not give it anything :p
with da_guru that would be cool []

Meh. It's okay.

Really fun

although I kinda wish you had made it multi-route if it was possible to get up the right-most chimney and that key opened the right-most exit this would lead to far more interesting multi-path options. Also I don't know what you're trying to do with the one-ways they're not all touching but not evenly spaced either I've seen a lot of people doing this recently and I don't really see the point just looks kinda careless.

Still really fun to play on the drone is excellent here is and agd.
Demo Data


you have xfire/icq?

looks quite similar

to a map I'm making at the moment. good use of oneways here. what about a collab?


Demo Data