Asi es la Vida

Thumbnail of the map 'Asi es la Vida'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author therealone
Tags author:therealone challenge esque rockets simple unrated
Created 2009-10-03
Last Modified 2009-10-03
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description To rip off Meta, this is a Simple-Challenge-Esque map.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Landx5y6' Thumbnail of the map 'Drawback' Thumbnail of the map 'People in glass houses sink sh sh ships' Thumbnail of the map 'Landx6y7' Thumbnail of the map 'Landx5y7' Thumbnail of the map 'Iwantedtochimneysoimadethis'
Landx5y6 Drawback People in glass houses sink sh sh ships Landx6y7 Landx5y7 Iwantedtochimneysoimadethis


Pages: (0)

funny thing


first try
Demo Data


I fixed the problem. how is it now?


Yeah, I figured as much I just put in a random number to nreality and one of your tricks came up for s played a few of them.


The ded for Tricks has been claimed. But I was so pumped when I saw your comments.

what are you talking about ratatat? both nico and I completed this map, and I did it over 100 frames faster...


Demo Data

nice challenge,

difficult to speedrun.

Here's a slow speedrun: first completion on the page.
Demo Data

First try

AGD :}
Demo Data

nice challenge
Demo Data


Press this "`" sign on the top left of your keyboard while on the main menu screen. From here press e and you're in the map editor.

how do you make

maps? can you please respond