Axl Low

Thumbnail of the map 'Axl Low'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author sidke
Tags author:sidke ggxxr rated tileset
Created 2009-08-25
Last Modified 2009-08-25
by 24 people.
Map Data


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Baiken' Thumbnail of the map 'May' Thumbnail of the map 'Chipp Zanuff' Thumbnail of the map 'Johnny' Thumbnail of the map 'A.B.A.' Thumbnail of the map 'Ky Kiske'
Baiken May Chipp Zanuff Johnny A.B.A. Ky Kiske


Pages: (0)


*glak* dude
that's awsoeme


liek if u wud stop postin thees so fackin' oftn i mite rate them wat i think but if ur just gunna hog da hot maps page i'm gunna get all mah friends to sipe yuor maps so tht we can haev soem diferent maps on the hot maps paeg.

i wud suggest makin like some digimon or soemthin, i maen these r god and al you jus ned to slow doewn n ad soem variatoin to theim.

do u get wat im sayin
not being sarcastic here. people blow up way too much around here and people get pissed and friendships are broken. i've been prone to doing so myself from time to time. i appreciate you giving me the chance to explain myself.
im not doing this to hastle you, im really giving you my (not radiumfalcon's) honest opinion in hopes that you might use the idea to make something i might enjoy. of course, you might rather make things you enjoy, which is fine, but if you submit them to numa, expect to get critiques and suggestions from people with different ideas and views.

again, i hope you dont think we're ganging up on you. radiumfalcon and i just think similiarly.
take it or leave it. its not trolling though.

its like smash bros

do something original instead of copying some game with a bunch of characters made by the same people.
of course there's variety you mundane noodlehead
there's no variety. try something different.

Radium... :/

I like these, sidke :D



fuck axl

What is this with you and PALEMOON submitting tilesets together, and always (except for this time) getting bunch of fives in a very short time? Some IRC thing that I'm not familiar with?

no man

people love these

they are just showing their affection

13 rates...

in two minutes.
Several of which are snipes. A few counter-snipes by the cool people on #moa (except gloomp). Was this a bad time to sub, or what?

Seriously though.
