101-4: The Easy And The Hard

Thumbnail of the map '101-4: The Easy And The Hard'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author cucumber_boy
Tags action author:cucumber_boy highscore kk playable rated speedrun
Created 2009-08-25
Last Modified 2009-08-25
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Was going to be a collab with Gimp, but he didn't really like it, but the ideas for the rockets are his. Niiiiiice.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '100-4: Flakes' Thumbnail of the map '100-3: Double You - Everything I Do' Thumbnail of the map '101-0: Cronyism // aorta' Thumbnail of the map '101-1: Coo Coo Cah Choo' Thumbnail of the map '101-2: I love you.  You love me.' Thumbnail of the map '101-3: Two Numbero Dos'
100-4: Flakes 100-3: Double You - Everything I Do 101-0: Cronyism // aorta 101-1: Coo Coo Cah Choo 101-2: I love you. You love me. 101-3: Two Numbero Dos


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I loved the tiles

Demo Data

Odd new concept.

It plays quite well though. AGD looks like you have to be pretty adept. Especially with the rocket. 3/5
Demo Data


Translation: Double Death Demo. Yeah, I escaped death.
Demo Data

looks great! but that's it...
Demo Data


I feel like i went about this map the wrong way.
Here's an AGD, though.
Demo Data

you didnt really

expand on the concept much, also look at my map


its the hard.
Could you check out my new map? THX