Give Up the Fight

Thumbnail of the map 'Give Up the Fight'

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Author blocto123
Tags author:blocto123 flow fun playable race rated
Created 2009-07-21
Last Modified 2009-07-21
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description 50th map =). enjoy!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Fallen' Thumbnail of the map 'What Can I Say' Thumbnail of the map 'This House is Not a Graveyard' Thumbnail of the map 'S.A.M.' Thumbnail of the map '21' Thumbnail of the map 'guns'
The Fallen What Can I Say This House is Not a Graveyard S.A.M. 21 guns


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great race

had decent flow. i liked the part in the bigining where you nearly miss the laser and jump through where the exit door is

congrats on 50

pretty smooth,, yet try not making those sudden stops against walls.


getting better but still work on flow as it's not completely smooth 3.5/5 down

Super Enjoyable.

Happy 50th!

bad and sometimes unclear flow, 2.5 down

I cheated..
Demo Data

oh ok thanks

so i wasnt far off ^^ its a very fun map to play and not so hard either which makes it not repetative like some other race maps

Faster demo

i know im not doing it right as im missing some gold and the gold is used to open some trap dooors leading somewhere else and i dont know how to do it as i cant find the path i need to go for the race. Also i got a race map with no comments on, u can go and have a look if u want, im new to making race maps ^^
Demo Data

thot it was 1030

Demo Data


. pretty good race.
Demo Data


is original path.
Demo Data
very nice map, easy to spot where you wanted me to go except i got confused in the middle and dont think i did it right please tell me, kinda easy but good use of ideas. 4/5
Demo Data