Comments on "The Pig and tHe pIg and thE piG"

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(Get Off Your) High Horse Lady

And reported Squibbles.


Fuck you man. Seriously.

"You really want me to relist a bunch of crap, effortless maps"

I've got a word for you. Subjectivity.

I personally thought that both my maps were quite good. I liked them. On top of that, I spent over an hour on both of them. Look at the time differences:

And I'm a little stumped at the justification of the delisting anyway. Last time I checked, quality wasn't a justifiable reason to delist, and if something is "pretty much spam" it's not spam. There's no grey here, mate. It's spam, or it's not. There's no room for "pretty much spam".

Get the fuck off your high horse.

Kinda shitty

But still above average. Not hard nowadays though :/
Slowest Agd..
Demo Data


liked the beginning a bunch
Demo Data
a bunch of crap, effortless maps, that are essentially spam thinly veiled in a poor joke, that are taking up space for maps people have actually put some thought into?


<Brett> Yeah, I hear yah. Maybe he'll relist them eventually
<sidke> What, after they've lost their positions on the hot maps?

sidke called that.
When they're off the front page. :)

You have to ask?

It was pretty much spam, the maps were rubbish, and the joke wasn't funny.

Don't take the piss, please.

Thanks atob,

but I gotta stick up for my bros. We submitted 2 maps each, each being unique. For all I know this follows every rule. Reconsider re-listing the maps for my friends and me.


3 Authors. 2 Maps each.

How is that against NUMA policy? Why have these been delisted?

Brett is cool.

He can get away with more.

Lame brett lamely keeps his one map. LAAAME