Isometric Actin'

Thumbnail of the map 'Isometric Actin''

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author amconline
Tags action author:amconline fun medium mines playable rated
Created 2009-07-03
Last Modified 2009-07-03
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description :P

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'CC rockets' Thumbnail of the map 'Lulu' Thumbnail of the map 'Do you love me the way I hate you ?' Thumbnail of the map 'Benedict' Thumbnail of the map 'Close to my enemy' Thumbnail of the map 'Tribute to Michael Jackson'
CC rockets Lulu Do you love me the way I hate you ? Benedict Close to my enemy Tribute to Michael Jackson


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Demo Data
especially around the switches. i appreciate that you managed to keep chimneying the focus of the gameplay throughout. the difficulty spikes seemed out of place, but other than that it was a solid map.
This would have been okay 'cept the chimneying was... lacking.

Demo Data

you know what ?

You're right.
here, it's taken out.
I was wondering about that, but now it's clear in my mind... :)

AGD death.

One of the stupidest demos I've ever made. I loved this map up until the trap door switch, where I started merely liking it. Taking it out would've added challenge, not messed up looks.
Demo Data