The Interrogation Room

Thumbnail of the map 'The Interrogation Room'

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Author CaptainPolio
Tags author:captainpolio awesome cool fun themed tricky unrated
Created 2009-06-17
Last Modified 2009-06-17
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Detectives fire mundane questions at you. You quip, you snap, you make intelligent witticisms that strike at the hearts of your assailants; this is not how you pictured your day. You limbo under the low-flying criticisms they hurl bodily at you... and succeed. Finally, you can go free.

Other maps by this author

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Caustic Inkwell-Side Blotting Paper Disgruntled Walk the Tightrope of the Glaringly Obvious Pomegranate Mountain -- now in bold The Day Before Midsummer


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Demo Data

Faster AGD

Demo Data

Really Easy


Demo Data

It is pretty

easy to get all the gold with only one jump in the main curve of the question mark.