Inkwell-Side Blotting Paper

Thumbnail of the map 'Inkwell-Side Blotting Paper'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author CaptainPolio
Tags author:captainpolio competition cool mines themed tiles unrated
Created 2009-05-29
Last Modified 2009-05-29
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Dedication to Hedgehogs (the animal, not the person - if there is someone named Hedgehogs). Another considered name was "67 Reasons Why I Like Semicolons"; I decided against it. The first person to tell me how many sides it has - not including where it joins the frame - will get a dedication.

Other maps by this author

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Fizzy With Friends Like These, Who Needs Anemones? Ampersand Alert Pisces Gargantuan Caustic


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don't worry bout the feature, if you did.
It's cool.


apse and i are not the same person XD

me please

So, hang on

do you want ded as maxson924 or apse?


i was on the wrong account.

101 sides.
ded please.