city jumpin'

Thumbnail of the map 'city jumpin''

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Author xnickekx
Tags action author:xnickekx fun gauss mines playable unrated
Created 2009-06-15
Last Modified 2009-06-15
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description not that good but i published it anyway

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'doors'


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I like it too.

Wonderful job on your second map.
A few things...
...Don't cluster SOO much gold like that, unless there's a really good reason (e.g. forms picture to make map look better)
...only need one gauss in upper right. In general, one enemy is just as effective as two if they are in the same spot.
...And nice tileset. Very appealing, except for the square tunnels, like at the bottom and through the buildings.

All in all, very good for a second map! 5/5

i like it

i like the mines and the tiles and the gold