When your own castle isn't safe anymore!

Thumbnail of the map 'When your own castle isn't safe anymore!'

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Author Hajtun
Tags author:hajtun chainguns ptooie rated underwear
Created 2009-06-01
Last Modified 2009-06-01
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description You should seek shelter somewhere else!

~Be warned, it is kinda hard ^^~

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Clever Mechanism' Thumbnail of the map 'Trash, junk and garbage' Thumbnail of the map 'Unlogic Shit For Idiotic Dumbasses' Thumbnail of the map 'Important Lesson!' Thumbnail of the map 'Save A Tree, Eat A beaver!' Thumbnail of the map 'Bullets trough the face!'
Clever Mechanism Trash, junk and garbage Unlogic Shit For Idiotic Dumbasses Important Lesson! Save A Tree, Eat A beaver! Bullets trough the face!


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shame you've deteriorated. seriously evil_sire.
