Bullets trough the face!

Thumbnail of the map 'Bullets trough the face!'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Hajtun
Tags author:hajtun unrated
Created 2009-05-23
Last Modified 2009-05-23
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description you should hurry up!

---Go for an AGD---

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '( S ) laughter' Thumbnail of the map 'Clever Mechanism' Thumbnail of the map 'Trash, junk and garbage' Thumbnail of the map 'Unlogic Shit For Idiotic Dumbasses' Thumbnail of the map 'Important Lesson!' Thumbnail of the map 'Save A Tree, Eat A beaver!'
( S ) laughter Clever Mechanism Trash, junk and garbage Unlogic Shit For Idiotic Dumbasses Important Lesson! Save A Tree, Eat A beaver!


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rate ppl!


slow agd
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second try completion
admittadly the thwumps got me first try
Demo Data

Nope it doesn't >.>

well.... w/e
*hopes demo data works*
Demo Data

Thwumps are easy =)

You just need some timing...


nice and simple but i rekn lose the thwumps
Demo Data