Corner Records

Thumbnail of the map 'Corner Records'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author brainstone
Tags author:brainstone mapdraft3 unrated
Created 2009-05-08
Last Modified 2009-05-08
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description RCE. For Mapdraft. Here`s a hint: AGD is super-hard.
My Packs:
X [ Warzone
10 Mines
7 Gold
1 Chain Gun Drone

X [ Birds of a Feather
You may only place gold if it is in clumps of 4 or more.

X[ Baton Pass
20 'Five' Tiles
15 total 'Six' and/or 'Seven' Tiles

X [ CEC Pack 2
3 Seeker Drones
5 Mines
10 Gold
10 'E' Tiles
2 'Two' Tiles
4 'Four' Tiles
5 'Five' Tiles


[ My Posse
4 Blue Drones of your choice, or more. (In addition to any more you have to place)
5 Gold

[ Moby Dick - by SkyRay
Tiles must resemble water somehow
Objects must be in the shape of a whale.

6 'One' Tiles
6 'Two' Tiles
6 'Three Tiles
6 'Six' Tiles
6 'Seven' Tiles

[ Gloomp made it! - by Erik-Player
3 mines
8 gold
5 guasses
5 'One' tiles
15 'E' tiles

Packs I choosed to use are signed with a "x".
Packs I choosed to ignore are NOT signed with a "x".

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Left (f)or Death' Thumbnail of the map 'Mum, I finished Diving Lessons!' Thumbnail of the map 'Nightmare Cave' Thumbnail of the map 'Lifesavers' Thumbnail of the map 'Broken... Broken.' Thumbnail of the map 'I told not to buy this house, but YOU...'
Left (f)or Death Mum, I finished Diving Lessons! Nightmare Cave Lifesavers Broken... Broken. I told not to buy this house, but YOU...


Pages: (0)

I don`t like guasses that much, you know.


I wanted gloomp to make it.


agdagedg agde agd
Demo Data


Couldn`t imagine at all, you could make a demo as fast as THIS. Well done.


an agd
Demo Data


Demo Data