Would you like Mayo with That?

Thumbnail of the map 'Would you like Mayo with That?'

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Author al__cair__raheakallan
Tags acr author:al__cair__raheakallan chaos mayo unrated
Created 2009-03-25
Last Modified 2009-03-25
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description huh? wudja?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Trying/=/Success' Thumbnail of the map 'E-Blok-A_Palooza' Thumbnail of the map 'easy as AB...7?' Thumbnail of the map '[|]A National Quarantine[|]' Thumbnail of the map 'Electrotherapedic Lemurs' Thumbnail of the map 'The Lightning Strike'
Trying/=/Success E-Blok-A_Palooza easy as AB...7? [|]A National Quarantine[|] Electrotherapedic Lemurs The Lightning Strike


Pages: (0)

the thing at the end with the doors was cool and clever and original, but it didnt seem like you had it under control. its just doing its own thing and you're hoping that'll benefit your map in the long run. to some people, like nphasis, it didnt benefit the map, but for others, like myself, it did. i thought it was an interesting flare of originality even though it was confusing.
Demo Data


i will

watch out

for that mayonnaise.

