classic dda

Thumbnail of the map 'classic dda'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Thk54
Tags author:thk54 dda unrated
Created 2009-03-25
Last Modified 2009-03-25
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description sorry about only b pads and a thump

Other maps by this author

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uber uber uber DDA twisty dda uber uber uber 5 uber uber uber 6 Jorney to the golden pool a trap


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I recommend taking a look at bluenin's DDAs [], Clifty's DDAs [], Wizard2's DDAs [], and Dead_N's DDAs []. Maybe my DDAs too, but mine aren't the best DDAs ever.


My N dude died halfway through and secondly you only need 1 rocket, not 9 and thirdly, look at some of the higher rated DDA's for ways to make yours better.
