Who hates maths?

Thumbnail of the map 'Who hates maths?'

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Author jeffery
Tags 4 author:jeffery bad hate jeffery maths unrated
Created 2009-03-24
Last Modified 2009-03-24
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description seriously? its annoying!

and ive got a test tommorow!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Cascade' Thumbnail of the map 'iDie v2' Thumbnail of the map 'You know you want to' Thumbnail of the map 'Go quick' Thumbnail of the map 'Amazamazingly hard' Thumbnail of the map 'Fancy'
Cascade iDie v2 You know you want to Go quick Amazamazingly hard Fancy


Pages: (0)

Math test

I have a math test tomorrow ;(



thanks man,

for the rce's
yah didn't have to, but yahh did so thanks.

i'll do you a good ;]
prepare, rates


ok. ill get around to your super-cool maps

thanks man,

for rceing some of my maps, i'll return the favor

but most of the ones i wanted rated were the ones with 3 rates, hahaha :p.

thats the point

maths sucks


your map is not finishable because there is a trap door at the finishing point.