Swimmin' Pool

Thumbnail of the map 'Swimmin' Pool'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author adam_zappul
Tags author:adam_zappul experimental fun rated weird
Created 2009-03-13
Last Modified 2009-03-13
by 19 people.
Map Data

Description This is one of the weirdest experiments I've ever conducted...The goal was to make a pattern that made it look like the ninja was floating on water. Every so often it glitches up, and the ninja gets spontaneously killed...anyway, sorry about the load time, but please try all three patterns. Comments appreciated!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Firefighter Drills' Thumbnail of the map 'Lifeguard' Thumbnail of the map 'Boombox' Thumbnail of the map 'Shurieken 5' Thumbnail of the map 'Legendary Spelunker' Thumbnail of the map 'Toasted Marshmallows'
Firefighter Drills Lifeguard Boombox Shurieken 5 Legendary Spelunker Toasted Marshmallows


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5aved. i like the bottom path the best. =D

i reached a peak of 2321 ms on the second path o.O

Freaking awesome

Thats an awesome map i wish i made it



nice idea

4aved :]

Nice could have made more with the map though...

looks like a lot of time putted into it :) liked it

Thats so

Like the idear. 4/5
The other two are fun as well :ΓΈ

I liked the second

route best. Nice experiment.



i WIN? :d
Demo Data

Nice experiment.

I liked the idea,and that's so cool.4/5.

Dude thats soo cool

speechless it looked rubbish from the thumb but its all wavey and 4.6/5