Hell, AKA, a Modern Day Battlefield

Thumbnail of the map 'Hell, AKA, a Modern Day Battlefield'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author qbert
Tags action author:qbert drones hard playable rated skill
Created 2009-03-08
Last Modified 2009-03-08
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description I'm new here. I thought this would be a good first map to submit. I have created previous ones, but this is one of my most recent.

I currently don't know how to post demo data (It would be great if someone could tell me how), buy I can assure you that this map is possible.

I would love to hear any comments or tips that people have.

Please rate!



Pages: (0)

o yea

faved, i wanna try to beat this later. :D


that was hard, but i cant get that far in this map :(
but yea, i thought this was a dda. i thought that most of the hidden snipers were useless. but overall great map 4/5
Demo Data

Thanks 29403

Here is the demo data. I found this route to be the easiest.
Demo Data
the amount of useless enemies makes the map seem like a dda.
it doesnt function well as a action level much

A good map

(good mine placement, the hidden snipers r fine just make sure u dont hide them all the way. perhaps u could have added some gold but a very good map overall. 4/5

Alright for a first

use less enemies. The spiky terrain made it quite frustrating to navigate the level, especially with several enemies firing at you. For your next map, use less enemies and make a nice tileset for it.

To post demo data, record your demo, then once finished playing press the \ key, and copy the data from the second box, hope that helps.
