dot dot dot

Thumbnail of the map 'dot dot dot'

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Author gr_8
Tags author:gr_8 multipathed race unrated
Created 2009-03-07
Last Modified 2009-03-08
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description a quick multi-path race map that i made in a combined total of about 2 hours.
Probably get bad publicity, or knowing my maps, no publicity, so may delist later

if im honest i prefer my last race to this, but i like this enough to submit it

*edit* - after recording demoes some things started to really annoy me, so i changed 1 rocket placement and a trapdoor is now a launchpad.

demo now included.**

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Red rockets roar' Thumbnail of the map 'when walter wails' Thumbnail of the map 'How high honey?' Thumbnail of the map 'Yes! York's Yellow!' Thumbnail of the map 'location location location' Thumbnail of the map 'hey hey hey'
Red rockets roar when walter wails How high honey? Yes! York's Yellow! location location location hey hey hey


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completion demo

it felt a bit disjointed really. some bits i quite liked but top right was not one of them. i give it a 3.
Demo Data

1 path demo

i messed it up a little, so could be quicker
Demo Data

yeah u need a demo

i could see how it worked sorta...??
some promising sections but i dont know how it links together. confused demo :(
Demo Data