Ledges & Mines 2

Thumbnail of the map 'Ledges & Mines 2'

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Author grimreaper0125
Tags author:grimreaper0125 playable puzzle rated
Created 2005-10-22
Last Modified 2005-10-23
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description HARD, but beatable. I have beat it with out using fbf once. I based it around one peice, and am pretty sure I have sealed up any "holes" in the mine walls. If someone post a all gold demo, I will not do anything, so it does not matter :)

Other maps by this author

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Hedge Maze 1.5 Loop-De-Loop 2 Doors Doors 2 Ledges and Mines Ledges and Mines 1.5


Pages: (0)

Pretty Cool

Demo Data


i started one. here is where the cheating really matters
Demo Data


nice map. 5/5. i love it. so fun.
1 problem! you can cheat it!
ill send an all gold demo.