The Self-Aware Plant

Thumbnail of the map 'The Self-Aware Plant'

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Author SkyPanda
Tags action author:skypanda featured floorguards gauss playable unrated
Created 2009-02-24
Last Modified 2009-02-24
Map Data


This map was featured on 2010-04-12

~ It's a race!
? No, it's a puzzle!
! Wait... it's action!
~ Look at the crisp flow! You are crazy to think its not a race.
? Have you even played the map? It took me ten minutes to get out of the bottom area. Definitely a puzzle.
! Those gausses are in perfect position to supply ample amounts of action! Action!!
~ Well I guess those jumps are kinda hard...
? And those floorgaurds do create some tension...
! Okay fine, it does have flow!
~ ...It's a puzzle!
? No, its an action map!
! ... — spudzalot

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Altitude Fears' Thumbnail of the map 'Advanced and Broken' Thumbnail of the map 'Not a Christmas Tree' Thumbnail of the map '##;][p.;///;';' Thumbnail of the map 'Mr Biscuit' Thumbnail of the map 'Headlong'
Altitude Fears Advanced and Broken Not a Christmas Tree ##;][p.;///;'; Mr Biscuit Headlong


*rolls his fucking eyes []


Awesome flow and stunning asthetics.


This is one of the best maps to receive a feature yet. Absolutely fantastic map. Much enjoyed.
Demo Data


something about pie


lazy AGD. I especially like.. well.. everything, but it just has charm.
Demo Data
150 words would be much more suited, I reckon. It's a concern I've read numerous times.

I'll mail Arachnid and see if he can't bump it up for us.
This map is really well done, and I like the tiles and object placement also. A little too hard for me, but a 4/5 nontheless.

I'm afraid...

That it is just a f*cking review, get the hell over it.
It made its point quite nicely.
I couldn't pass the map though.
Too lazy.

My point could have been expressed better if I had more words. The review was originally 120 ish words. I probably would have had each of them say one more line but then it would be waaay too long. I want more words. D;


Ignore the drunk title.
you're second only to 179 imo :D


The best author KA knows personally should learn to reread.

really cool.

really nice. Aesthetic-sy and I agree with gloomp.

People, people.

Just imitate the best writer KinGAleX knows personally. He knows a thing or two about writin' reviews. After all, he is the longest runner member of the review roster, aside from maybe southpaw but I think I submitted my first first.


you guys are going to get on my case even more now I think the map is pretty average. :/


These comment boxes are here to express opinion. The reviews are as much open to review as the maps themselves. So if a user genuinely does consider the review to be bad writing, then you lot jumping down their throat for expressing that is pretty bad form.

You really can be a bunch of little bitches at times.
but again, I have no problem with unusual reviews, just with the frequency that they appear.


How about you take my posts with emotes in as tongue-in-cheek, flag? I was actually joking, I like these kind of reviews (to a point).

I do however, think that this review is a little sloppy and that its point isn't expressed very well. And yes, I get that it's three people arguing one thing then convincing each other of another, and I appreciate the innovation within the feature review context.

Some of you people really do need to lighten up.
I really liked the adventure feel. Every switch was awesome and had its own little adventure to get too. I don't think this is a puzzle or a race... I didn't see either of those.

yeah, I thought

that this was one of the better reviews that I've seen.


To be honest,

I'll play the featured map regardless of what the review says. And about the formatting - I really don't mind it. I quite like reviews that've mixed up some stuff and tried to be innovative.

I can see what you were going for here, but it looks to me like the format kinda screwed you over. At first glance, the punctuation in the beginning does feel a little messy, but in the end, I got the point. Could have been better executed, but I dig the effort.
but I think a good reviewer needs to be able to do both this and the typical way of writing a review, and know when to use each. Some of us actually want to read a review that convinces us to play the map.

Toasters is right.

~ was the person arguing that it was flow.
? was the person arguing that is was puzzle.
! was the person arguing that it was action.

And atob, "good writing" in reviews usually consists of boring sentences listing the maps obvious qualities or saying "this author has managed to..." which I find very boring compared to doing stuff like this.
but I didn't really like it much.
And, uh, it was the equivalent of spudz saying, Person A, Person B, Person C.
At least that was my understanding.

Nice demo, gloomp.
supposed to match up with the context of the sentences? Because they don't, and otherwise I don't see the point.

The review is really bad, I wish you guys would aim for good writing instead of this post-modern bullshit. :)


this is by far the most inspiring map I've played for ages.

Seriously watch it, it's funny as hell.
Demo Data


Good one.

spudz, I love you for featuring this map.

Had this faved

Nice choice.
And I can understand how there are flowy parts, action parts and perhaps puzzle elements too. I like it, it's quite different to the usual, I can't spot anything that I would change. 5aved
Demo Data
but after reading that review, i had to play it NOW. i have determined that this is an action-packed puzzle with a couple tough jumps. 5aved