art museum

Thumbnail of the map 'art museum'

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Tags author:ezpoptarts gold museum unrated
Created 2009-02-15
Last Modified 2009-02-15
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description a fun one. kinda laggy though

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chainsaw house gauss gunners symmetry redone belly of the beast Alien love !pwnzorz!


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Guarding drones are cool. I was afraid to they would come inside of the museum, but they stayed outside ^^ Tileset is fine. I liked the golds on corridors, but i did't like golds on northwestern and southeastern corners (they are a little bit spmammed. U didn't used the tileset so well, but overall, this map is good.

And it is possible to beat. Here is an 'All Possible Gold Demo' (But it is slowly ^^ ) :
Demo Data

yeah it is ive beaten it
3 times actually but a little laggy

This maps not possible.