Thumbnail of the map 'BEWARE THE RED GLARE'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author halo9184
Tags author:halo9184 jump laser laserdrone mines trap unrated
Created 2009-02-11
Last Modified 2009-02-11
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Timing... Its all about timing

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Jump dodge jump BOOM' Thumbnail of the map 'JUMP OF DESTINY' Thumbnail of the map 'wall jumping for noobs' Thumbnail of the map 'Prison escape' Thumbnail of the map 'HARDNESS' Thumbnail of the map 'Do you feel like repeating?'
Jump dodge jump BOOM JUMP OF DESTINY wall jumping for noobs Prison escape HARDNESS Do you feel like repeating?


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well you act like such a hardcore fan, so I'm just saying, do your best for what you're trying to portray
my internet was bad and i pressed it a whole bunch of times?
And who cares about what people think about what halo deserves


why are there 4 of these, it was bad the first time, it's still bad, and its a very bad attempt at a red glare imitation. Halo doesn't deserve this map -_-


demo of if you take out the drones though.
can't go up the right wall, but the left should be fine with the drone moving towards the center.
Demo Data

i wonder if.....

its possible to beat it if you fall down to the ground?
Demo Data