Ventillation Shaft

Thumbnail of the map 'Ventillation Shaft'

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Author Adam_Dobay
Tags author:adam_dobay playable rated survival
Created 2005-10-14
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description "I forgot to seal the airlock and now there's a chilly breeze out there, honey, be a dear and do something. You can have some cookies on the way."

I was wondering how to make a rocket chase level with a twist. I hope it worked out well enough.

This level, like all of my others, bears my rate-back policy: if you rate my level and leave a comment, I'll rate one of your unrated maps (I may rate more than one if I'm in the mood :).

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Washing Machine Madness!' Thumbnail of the map 'Jiggerjaw12358's Cross-Stitch' Thumbnail of the map 'Shtupid buttons' Thumbnail of the map 'Twofold' Thumbnail of the map 'VariatioNs - Once more, with rockets!' Thumbnail of the map 'The morning jog'
Washing Machine Madness! Jiggerjaw12358's Cross-Stitch Shtupid buttons Twofold VariatioNs - Once more, with rockets! The morning jog


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thats fun. very good and cool idea
yours is prety good. 4/5


It's a bit hard but i like the map layout.

Nice but...

The rocket moves too sporadically... try to make a more streamlined (and slow) moving level with the one ways.

cool map

i like that with the rocket chasin ya. my fav kind.


I like it fun to play and fun to die in. sorry no demo


I didn't count on that. Well I think it should stay this way now, you got me fair and square. :)

Yeah, it's a bit hard, see my demo, even I can't seem to beat it right now.
Demo Data


Good map if you dont cheat. Heres a cheated completion
Demo Data

very nice map

I couldn't beat it the right way, so I tried cheating :-)
I didn't get very far, but it is possible to cheat.

However, in all that's fair, this is a very nice survival map. 4.5/5
Demo Data