The morning jog

Thumbnail of the map 'The morning jog'

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Author Adam_Dobay
Tags author:adam_dobay playable race rated
Created 2005-10-11
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description I was thinking how would a race look with only a few movements in the vertical direction, and running towards your enemy instead of away from it for a change? Well, here's what came out of the idea. No mere jumping away from the rocket in this case I'm afraid.

Please tell me how you like it. To those who rate & comment I promise a rating back.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Apartment block D' Thumbnail of the map 'Washing Machine Madness!' Thumbnail of the map 'Jiggerjaw12358's Cross-Stitch' Thumbnail of the map 'Shtupid buttons' Thumbnail of the map 'Twofold' Thumbnail of the map 'VariatioNs - Once more, with rockets!'
Apartment block D Washing Machine Madness! Jiggerjaw12358's Cross-Stitch Shtupid buttons Twofold VariatioNs - Once more, with rockets!


Pages: (0)


i liked it...very hard....but very fun

This is da guy who made "why does gold have to exist?!?!?!?!"


fun map, clever use of rockets.
Demo Data
I didn't want to give it away so quickly but here's how to do it. Don't watch the demo if you want to figure it out yourself :)
Demo Data


Oops soz, didnt notice what the switch did.

Jolly Good.

More gold would be nice next time though. 3.5.

wtf are u smoking

the reset is fine!!!
the map is awesome but there's a glitch with the locked door

Forget to reset?

Please fix this so I can rate it, looks and sounds good so far.